Heritage Turkey Poult - Mystery
Heritage Turkey Poult - Mystery
What color will this turkey look like when it gets older???
Well, that's the mystery.
These heritage turkeys are from our mixed backup flock and will produce poults that are possibly white, bronze, blue, red, or some mixture of all of the above.
At our farm all of our turkeys are on pasture all year long and are protected by portable electric netting (and solar energizers). They are regularly rotated to fresh pastures.
Because they are outside and we farm with nature instead of against nature, sometimes predators attack our flocks (albeit rare).
Just because these poults come from our backup flock, does not mean that the breeders are not of the highest quality. In the event of a fox/coyote/etc... attack, we can sub in some of the breeders from our backup flock in with the purebreds to maintain a solid bloodline of turkeys on our farm.
More than likely these birds will be some sort of a bronze mix and will resemble wild turkeys (just with an extra splash of color). But because they are from a mixed flock you may end up with some really cool patterns not regularly seen.
These birds still maintain the characteristics that normal heritage turkeys have: athletic/good foragers/flight/reproduce naturally/etc... but may or may not look like a "normal" turkey.
So we'll pass the savings on to you for the mystery heritage turkeys.
- Rotationally grazed, pasture raised parent breeding stock from our farm
- Non-GMO fed parents
- All birds are NPIP (National Poultry Improvement Plan) certified
- Salmonella Pullorum Typhoid, and Avian Influenza (HPAI) tested negative
- Poults will be shipped to you within 72 hours of hatching.
- Poults must be purchased in groups of 20 to ensure they stay warm during shipping. Can be of multiple breeds so long as the total number of poults adds up to minimum of 20.
- Poults are shipped in boxes with straw bed mat, 72 hour heat pack, and electrolyte gel to assist in shipping.
- Heritage turkeys are seasonal egg layers and will produce from March-August.
- Shipping is approximately $2.25 per poult through USPS and you will need to provide a phone number to pick up at your local post office.