Rainbow chicken hatching eggs
Rainbow chicken hatching eggs
One rainbow dozen of chicken eggs from our farm.
Add some color to your flock!
Hatching eggs are sold by the dozen and are shipped via USPS and are guaranteed to arrive intact to you. Hatch rates are not guaranteed to hatch because of too many variables in shipping as well as your incubator.
Eggs will arrive to you within 10 days of being laid by our chickens in the eggmobile. Every day I collect the eggs, mark the date in pencil.
Eggs will be packaged in bubble wrap and packing peanuts in their box.
Upon arrival, you should place the eggs in a carton with the pointed end down for 24 hours at room temperature before incubation.
Just an FYI: When I collect eggs from our birds, I store ours at room temperature in a carton pointed side down for up to a week. Then they enter our incubators. Typically I average 85-90% hatch rates. But yours may differ due to shipping and incubator variables.
- Rotationally grazed, pasture raised parent breeding stock from our farm
- Non-GMO fed parents
- All birds are NPIP (National Poultry Improvement Plan) certified
- Salmonella Pullorum Typhoid, and Avian Influenza (HPAI) tested negative
- Chickens are from a mixed flock of Barred Plymouth Rocks (brown eggs) White Leghorns (white eggs) Black Australorps (brown eggs) Light Brahmas (light brown) Ameraucana (blue/mint green eggs) and Olive Egger (green/dark green eggs)